
a wooden model of a church sitting on a table

11 Tips to Make the Most of a Small Worship Space

Bigger isn’t always better. In a world where success is sometimes measured by how much money is in your bank account, how many followers you have on social media, or how many people you can fit into your vehicle, it…
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View of Wooden Altar in circular sanctuary

6 Types of Worship & Altar Tables You May Find in a Church or Synagogue

When it’s time to renovate or redesign your church or synagogue, you likely focus on your seating options. Whether it’s radius curved pews, straight pews, or church chairs, you want high-quality, long-lasting church and synagogue furniture. But what about other aspects of your sanctuary?…
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the Temple Israel in Minneapolis, Minnesota

A 9-Step Plan for Choosing the Right Church Chairs and Seating

Choosing the perfect church chairs for your worship space is a crucial decision that impacts the comfort and functionality of your congregation. Whether you’re in the middle of a synagogue or church renovation, designing a new worship space, or just…
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A synagogue's interior

A Brief History of the Synagogue’s Interior & Furniture

Synagogues have been integral to Jewish life for thousands of years, providing a place for worship, study, and community gathering. This article will explore the rich history of synagogue interior furniture from ancient times to the present day. At New…
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A baptismal font sits in the middle of church pews.

Creating a Special Baptismal Font for Your Church: Exploring the Benefits, History, and Significance of this Important Tradition

Constructing a baptismal font for your place of worship is an important task that requires careful thought and planning. It signifies for many the start of a beautiful journey, so it should be crafted with precision and attention to detail.…
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The interior of a church with both chairs and pews.

How Do You Choose Between Church Flexible and Fixed Seating?

When your church or synagogue furniture is nearing the end of its life, or you’re opening a new house of worship, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is your seating options. The traditional answer of straight or curved…
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The inside of a church with wooden pews and stained-glass windows.

The Glossary of Modern Worship Space Terms for Churches

There is a lot to consider when you oversee your house of worship’s furniture. It can feel overwhelming, from ensuring you have all the essential elements to deciding which other furniture items you want. Additionally, some terms refer to similar…
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The interior of a synagogue in New Jersey.

3 Easy Steps to Increase the Longevity of Your Jewish Temple Furniture

Synagogues are holy places for Jewish people who want to pray or attend religious services and special ceremonies. But without proper care for your Jewish temple furniture, you risk a safety incident or disrespecting the symbolic history of the shul’s…
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A congregation sitting in church pews, looking uncomfortable.

How Can I Make My Sanctuary Seating More Comfortable?

A lot goes into making a worship service successful. It’s more than just the selection of music, the quality of the message, and the number of people in attendance. It’s about your worshippers carving out a portion of their weekend…
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A comparison image of a podium vs. a lectern.

Podiums vs. Lecterns for Churches: Does Your Worship Space Need Both?

If you are renovating your church or building a new one, you may see confusing terminology. Some places may use words like lectern, podium, ambos, and Bimah furniture interchangeably, but there are differences in each. The difference may be whether…
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